Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Catching Up

So, I've been slacking since my last post. I have actually had a couple of adventures. Mostly I have used my time off to head to Colorado and spoil that beautiful niece of mine. But at the end of June my college friend Lisa came to visit with Susie. After spending some time in Park City they headed off to see all five of the National Parks in Utah. I was able to meet up with them over the Fourth of July weekend in Bryce and Zion National Parks, the two I hadn't seen yet. If you haven't been down there I definitely recommend it!

I drove down Friday and met them in Bryce. By the time they got there it was getting late so we didn't do anything that evening. But Saturday morning we were up juggling World Cup soccer games with hiking. We watched the first game, went hiking and then came back for the lunchtime game before doing one more hike. All of it was fabulous. In the evening we went to the rodeo since Lisa had never been. As luck would have it we ended up sitting behind a family that was from Carmel, IN. What were the odds? Sunday Susie and I got up early to go do the Queen's garden hike at Bryce before we left for Zion. We expected something bigger but you could definitely see the outline of a Queen if you have an imagination. It was a fun hike.

After cleaning up and getting Lisa we headed off to Zion. We did a hike right inside the park before going to check in to our next hotel. We asked about fireworks but were informed that the last time they had any the mountain "was aflame." So no fireworks. We opted to go back into the park for another easy hike before dinner. We took the shuttle up to one of the emerald pool hikes. I admit it, I was disappointed. It didn't seem that emerald to me. Later that evening we stood in the parking lot lighting sparklers. According to the two Maryland girls those don't count as fireworks. It was the best we could do. Monday before I headed home we did two more hikes, including the weeping rock hike. That one is easy but cool. The rain/snow seeps down through the soft rock at the top. Then it hits a hard layer that it can't go through so it starts to go sideways. By the time it comes out and down this wall of rock it has been on a journey for over 1000 years. Pretty cool. The picture below is Lisa catching some of that ancient water in her hand.

It was a quick trip but beautiful! I look forward to going back and doing the Angel's Landing hike someday. Although I do not recommend listening to the information on the shuttle before you go. It could freak you out. Definitely put Zion and Bryce on your list of trips if you come out west.

Me in Zion 4th of July
Lisa at Weeping Rock

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